From the plant to your palm.

Nature’s properties and benefits in the palm of your hand.

Therapeutic Lipids of High Volatility and Tissue Penetration (TEO)
100% Pure TEO


The human being has always found uses for plants and trees for their medicinal, industrial and agricultural properties that are as varied as the wide range of their species.









Developed by Dr. Victor Marcial Vega, following the most rigorous procedures of extraction, proper care and sanitation of the processing equipment to bring 100% pure therapeutic lipids of high volatility and tissue penetration from the plant to your hands.

Important Information

Dr. Marcial-Vega’s first exposure to what he calls modern medicine, an integrative medicine approach to wellbeing and health: Part 1a: A-CAM Aromatherapy Today: 1994 film of Dr. Victor Marcial-Vega,MD, Oncologist, interviewed by Mercedes Jebai. Topics: Aromatherapy, lipids of high volatility and tissue penetration and Human Health, Environmental Toxicity and Natural Product Replacement.

Dr. Victor Marcial-Vega article on Medicina y Salud Pública, medical and public health magazine February 2, 2020